Are you interested in taking your next steps toward spiritual maturity, discovering how to use your God-given gifts and talents, and even becoming a member of First Assembly? Then the Grow Series is your next step. During the course of three sessions taught live by our Pastor and the leadership team, you will be given everything you need to take your next steps. 

The Grow Series takes place most months, and begins after the morning worship service. 

We'll provide lunch and childcare to make it easy for you.

1st Sunday: StepOne - Developing key spiritual disciplines & StepThree - Discovering your gifts, and finding your place to use them. This step can also be taken by current members who wish to find a place to serve. 

2nd Sunday: StepTwo - Understanding First Assembly: Our history, beliefs & structure, how we function and our vision for the future of the church & StepThree - [same as above] 

Annually: StepFour - Celebrating our new members!

StepOne - Follow

StepTwo - Connect

StepThree - Discover

StepFour - Make a Difference

Monthly Schedule: 

1st Sunday  - StepOne & StepThree

2nd Sunday - StepTwo & Step Three

Annually: Step Four - Make a Difference Dinner

Sign up HERE.